Saturday, February 2, 2008

A new 2008 - WGA strike

I'm trying to renew my blog this semester. So let's give it a try. I'll post more regularly and hopefully you guys will read.

Many people have asked me when the WGA strike will be settled. It's a question everyone seems to ask any of us that are members of the WGA. The real answer -- no one knows. The "inside" answer right now - or the conventional wisdom - it's looking "better." The most reliable reporting info I've gotten on the strike has been from Nikke Finke's column "Deadline Hollywood." Check it out at: She does a weekly column for the L.A. Weekly (hence the "weekly" column) but also posts to her online site daily. She has an "attitude" about the moguls and the industry, is quite scathing and opinionated, and usually but not always objective. But allowing all of that - she's a terrific reporter with great sources. So check it out!

Otherwise, I go by word of mouth among friends and colleagues. They remain committed, optimistic and...nervous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.